The Tram & Five things I KNOW

Five things I KNOW about the Tram in Hong Kong


The tram or the “Ding Ding” (that’s what the locals call it) is one of Hong Kong’s long living traditions. I always love to go on the upper deck to feel the wind hit me while I roll down the window on the top deck. Here are my five things I know about the Hong Kong tram and hopefully you will learn a bit more about Hong Kong. 


(click here to shop our tram 3d frame)


History of the Tram in Hong Kong

The first tramway from Kennedy Town to Causeway Bay opened in 1904 and since then, it has been used as a cheap and affordable transportation among people of Hong Kong. Today there are about 165 passenger trams, making up the world's largest double-decker tram fleet in service. The tramway was extended to what we know today, from Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, by 1929. Trams have also gone through renovations with changing its technology, LED lights, and materials to be more sustainable.   


Fare and Cost of the Tram in Hong Kong

Speaking of trams, isn’t the tram fare, probably the cheapest out of all transportations in Hong Kong? From Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, the tram fare is $3 for adults, meanwhile it will cost $10.5 for adults using the MTR. 

Why not save some money while you can also enjoy the wind and the view from the second floor of the tram?


Ins and Outs of the Tram in Hong Kong

How would you pay and get on a normal bus? You would pay when you ride at the front door, then exit from the back door. For the tram, it's the exact opposite: You board from the back door and exit from the front while you pay when getting off. So make sure you have your Octopus card ready and out when you leave the tram!


Riding the Party Tram in Hong Kong

Want to throw a one-of-a-kind party that also explores Hong Kong? Ranging from $1300 to $3500 per hour, the tram can turn into a party room. It’ll be a perfect after-graduation party or the coolest birthday party ever! There’s also catering services so if you ever do want some food while wandering around Hong Kong in the tram, you can always do that!




Views from the Tram in Hong Kong

I ALWAYS sit, camera in hand on the upper deck because it has the best views. All the windows can be rolled down if you want to have an even better view with the wind hitting your hair. But I would always be cautious of where my hands are just in case I don’t hit my hand on the traffic lights. 


I hope you learnt something new!  Tag me on IG on your next wander with the tram. #wanderwithnicole


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